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The sketch duo competes to fund Sketchfest, getting the highest ranks of eight groups in Round 1, moving to Round 2 of 3.




Created by and starring: 

Beth Peterson

Nathan Hare



The sketch gang recreates itself  with featured actor Dan Hart


Created by and starring:

Beth Peterson

Nathan Hare

Dan Hart







Odyssey Project

Odyssey Project

Play Video

The Odyssey Project


A collage of real-life stories of mental health, adapted into theatrical reenactments of pivotal moments in the lives of sufferers, friends, and family.



Created by:

Liisa Kaufman

Molly Casey


Directed by:

Sarah Butts



Liisa Kaufman
Tamara Clark

Isabelle Bushue

Obadiah Freeman

Nathan Hare 



The Sub


My first solo sketch!


Created by and starring:

Nathan Hare

Etch & Sketch

Etch & Sketch

Play Video

Twist! My! Arm! Part 2


The gang reunites for a second sketch set!


Created by and starring:

Beth Peterson
Rachel Jackson

Nathan Hare

SketchFest Mashup


My 2nd go at an intensive, "sketchy" weekend



Created by and starring: 

Many folks I can't remember 😬

Nathan Hare

Twist! My! Arm!


1st official sketch group performance!



Created by and starring:

Many folks I can't remember 😬

Nathan Hare






The Dialogue: A Flight of Lehrstück


The first true play in Seattle that in which I was cast, or rather, a series of Bertolt Brecht plays.



Directed by:

Omar Forrest




Eugenia Montsaroff
Anya Meleshuk
Pearl Lamb
Adrian Cerrato
Alex Johnson
Nathan Hare

SketchFest Mashup


My 1st experience with a sketch comedy group! At each Mashup, a group of randos get together and write, rehearse, and perform several original comedic sketches, all over the course of a weekend. 



Created by and starring:

Many folks I can't remember 😬
Nathan Hare


Veil (staged reading)


My 1st theatrical experience in Seattle while a student and a great revisit to that familiar space in my heart with an exellent, supportive cast


Created by:

My agent, Topo Swope

playwright Steven Fogell

Starkville High School


children of eden



South Pacific



you can't take it with you

Beauty & the Beast


Summer theatre camp, musical promotion, & Thespian work

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